Monday, January 17, 2011

Christ Church Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of Christ Church Meadville will take place following the eucharist and before the dismissal during the 10 am liturgy on Sunday, 23 January 2011. A hot lunch will be provided afterward. Yes, provided. You won't have to bring anything unless specifically asked. For those who don't want to negotiate the stairs, transportation will be provided from the parking lot by the parish house door.


tinythinker said...

I have no idea what an annual church meeting is, but I am curious.

PseudoPiskie said...

The two primary purposes are to approve the budget for the coming year and elect vestry members. Sometimes there are other issues but none that I know of for us so far. You are a member in good standing so you are expected to attend.

tinythinker said...

In good standing...? With a religious body? Good grief!

PseudoPiskie said...

Hee. Just means your baptism is registered with the church and you have attended and contributed faithfully. Ah, the joys of being Episcopal.

tinythinker said...

The meeting seemed to go well, but I have no real basis for comparison. It will be interesting to see what materialized out of the general topics mentioned in the Rector's report. I don't think he is wrong, but I am not sure how it's going to work. And I noticed there is no junior warden elected. There are some decent challenges ahead in 2011.