Friday, September 13, 2013

Red Door Cafe - Saturday, 21 September 2013, 7:00 pm till 9:00 pm

The church with the red doors on Diamond Park - Christ Church - is launching a monthly music series on third Saturday evenings from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm beginning Saturday, 21 September 2013. The concerts will take place downstairs in the Parish Hall which is handicapped accessible from North Cottage Street between Center and Walnut Streets.

Local acoustic musicians will be featured. Coffee and tea plus other goodies will be available.

The initial evening on 21 September will feature folk duo “Music Therapy,” with Mason and Papa John Brown. They are well-known and highly regarded locally for entertaining in hospitals and similar places.

Suggested donation is $3.00.

Come and enjoy a relaxed evening with friendly people and good music at a reasonable cost.

Underwriters are welcome as are acoustic (only) performing groups. Email the church for more information.

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