Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Come to the Turkey Dinner 6:00 pm, Friday, 18 November 2011

Join us for our annual Turkey Dinner at 6:00 pm on Friday, 18 November 2011 in the parish hall downstairs. There is limited parking and a handicapped entrance in the alley behind the church (North Cottage Street). If you come in thru the parking lot door, go straight ahead to the double doors and down the stairs to the parish hall.

Bring something to share and join the rest of the Christ Church family for fellowship. If you can, come a little early to help set up and/or stay a little late to help clean up. All are welcome even if your presence is all you can offer.

Leftovers will be given to the Green House (the women's shelter) but don't let that stop you from filling your plate!

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