Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Looking for a last minute gift?

How about chickens or a goat or a tree or mosquito nets? Check out Episcopal Relief and Development for opportunities to help others have a much better 2011 and beyond. 85% of your contribution to ERD goes toward helping others. They have a 4 star rating from Charity Navigator.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Bishop's visit

Bishop Sean Rowe visited Christ Church Meadville this morning. It was fun to have a full complement of acolytes and a couple of extra people in the choir plus some friends we haven't seen in awhile in the congregation. Sorry I didn't get any photos during the service but I was a little busy and didn't even think about it until coffee hour.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Mass Schedule

Christ Episcopal Church
870 Diamond Park
Meadville, PA

Sunday, 19 December 2010, 10:00 am - Bishop Sean Rowe visits

Christmas Eve, Friday, 24 December 2010, 7:30 pm - Holy Eucharist

Christmas Day, Saturday, 25 December 2010, 10:00 am - Holy Eucharist

Sunday 26 December 2010, 10:00 am - Holy Eucharist with Carol Sing

No matter where you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome at Christ Church!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Lessons and Carols program

Creator of the Stars of Night - William Witherup
Good Joseph, Listen to Me - Jean-François Dandrieu
From Heaven High to Earth I Come - Johann Pachelbel
Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine (Resonet in laudibus) - Guy Bovet

PROCESSIONAL HYMN: Once in David's Royal City - Irby
v. 1: Leah Elberfeld


FIRST LESSON: Genesis 3 - An Acolyte, Stephanie Onyeiwu
CHOIR: Adam Lay Ybounden - William Witherup
HYMN: 105 - God Rest You Merry

SECOND LESSON: Isaiah 9 - A Choir Member, Shelley Huston
CHOIR: People, Look East (Besançon) - Philip Dietterich
HYMN: 60 - Conditor alme siderum

THIRD LESSON: Isaiah 11 - A Lay Reader, Margaret Heald
CHOIR: Thou Shalt Know Him - Mark Sirett
HYMN: 100 - Antioch

FOURTH LESSON: Micah 5 - A Eucharistic Minister, Stuart Thompson
HYMN: 78 - Forest Green

FIFTH LESSON: St. Luke 1 - A Eucharistic Minister, Shelley Huston
CHOIR: A Maiden Most Gentle (French) - Andrew Carter
HYMN: 265 - Gabriel's Message

SIXTH LESSON: St. Luke 2 - A Lay Reader, Alyssa Fernandez
CHOIR: Midwinter - Bob Chilcott
HYMN: 107 - In dulci jubilo

SEVENTH LESSON: St. Luke 2 - The Organist & Choirmaster, William Witherup
CHOIR: Infant Holy (Polish) - Mack Wilberg
HYMN: 96 - Gloria

EIGHTH LESSON: St. Matthew 2 - The Senior Warden, Thomas Collard
CHOIR: Ding-Dong! Merrily on High (French) - William Witherup
HYMN: 109 - The First Nowell

NINTH LESSON: St. John 1 - The Interim Rector, The Rev. Dr. Richard Elberfeld, Jr.
HYMN 83 - Adeste fideles


RECESSIONAL HYMN 87 - Mendelssohn

In Dulci jubilo, BWV 729 - Johann Sebastian Bach

Monday, December 6, 2010

Lessons and Carols, 4 pm, Sunday, 12 December 2010

Father Richard Elberfeld and a few choir members who braved the snow Sunday posed for a photo to advertise the 2010 edition of Christ Church's Lessons and Carols.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Saint Nicholas Sunday

On Sunday, 5 December 2010, Saint Nicholas will return to Christ Church after a long absence. He will bring small gifts in thanksgiving for the mite boxes we will give him. Come, bring your mite boxes and welcome St Nicholas back.